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U.S.-Japan Future ForuM 

We are pleased partner with the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) to offer the US-Japan Future Forum. The US-Japan relationship has often been characterized as the most important bilateral relationship for the United States. In order to assure the future vitality and continuity of the US-Japan relationship, it is necessary to foster future US leaders who will sustain and continue to expand this important bilateral partnership. NAJAS has decided to sponsor the Future Forum for this purpose.

To ensure a future generation of leaders committed to US-Japan relations, the Forum seeks to mentor promising young American professionals specializing in US-Japan business endeavors who have been identified as having the potential to be future leaders of the US-Japan relationship in the private, academic, and public sectors.

Initially, approximately thirty senior leaders (Sempai) in a variety of fields will mentor a similar group of thirty younger up-and-coming leaders (Kohai). This will be a small, select group of individuals in both groups. The Forum will also incorporate a group of senior honorary member leaders (Sempai Emeritus) so as to engage a multi-generational framework in the mentoring process.

Activities include:

  • Random pairing of one senior Sempai mentor to one junior Kohai for a twelve month period. During that period, the pair alternates visiting each other for dialogue and support at least twice per year and each will report briefly each year on their activities.
  • Two luncheon or dinner meetings per year with the entire group in Japan
  • Act as a local advisory board for NAJAS in Japan

The 2025 In-Person Meeting of US-Japan Future Forum will be held on March 4, 2024 from 7:00-9:00 pm at the Ark Hills Club in Tokyo, Japan, with leadership from NAJAS Independent Board Member Barry Hirschfeld

Barry has invited back Simeon Bochev, a leader in the global AI space, who will update on AI’s implications for Japan and comment about his new AI Compute exchange

National Association of Japan-America Societies, Inc.

1819 L Street NW, Suite 200

Washington, DC 20036

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