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NAJAS’ full Board of Directors consists of one-to-two regular society member representatives from each of our 39 Japan and Japan-America Societies*, and Independent Board Members, the latter up to a total of one-third the number of regular society member Board representatives.  Within the Board is an Executive Committee comprised of five officers, (president, ex-oficio) and additional independent members, totaling 13 places, of which one dozen are currently filled.

Executive Committee Members



Ambassador Kurt Tong

Managing Partner

The Asia Group

President, NAJAS (Ex-Officio)

Mr. Andrew Wylegala


Secretary (and At-large Member)

Ms. Reyna Kaneko


Japan-America Society of Hawaii


Vice Chair

Ms. Emma Chanlett-Avery

Director, Political-Security Affairs

Deputy Director, Washington, D.C. Office

Asia Society Policy Institute


Mr. Celso Mataac

Citrin Cooperman

At-large Members / Independent Members

Mr. David Carpenter                                                                                                              President                                                                                                                                        
Japan-America Society of Kentucky

Ms. Anne Golden

Executive Director

Japan America Society of Greater Cincinnati 

Dr. William Farrell

Ms. Margot Carrington 

Dr. Joshua W. Walker


Japan Society, Inc. 

Mr. Richard Raiford

Ms. Bahia Simons-Lane

Executive Director

International Student Conferences, Inc.

Other Independent Board Members, not serving on Executive Committee

Mr. Barry Hirschfeld

President and CEO

Asia Investment Partners, LLC

Dr. Sheila A. Smith

Senior Fellow for Japan Studies

Council on Foreign Relations

Ambassador Michael W. Michalak

Ambassador David Shear       

Senior Advisor, Edwin O. Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies
Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)

*Note on the make-up of the Board of Directors: NAJAS' Bylaws stipulate that each member society can have up to two representatives on the Board of Directors, but with only one vote per society. 

National Association of Japan-America Societies, Inc.

1819 L Street NW, Suite 200

Washington, DC 20036

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